For a future without drilling!

We’d like a clean conscience and clean teeth: Instead of conventional plastic made of petroleum, we use plant-based bioplastics for all our products.

From the field – to the mill – to you

Sustainable manufacturing processes are very close to our hearts. And because plastic based on castor oil is the main ingredient of our products, we will briefly explain its production from the plant to the finished product. Unfortunately, this type of plastic is still rather unusual, which is why its development was also an exciting challenge for us.

Cultivation and harvest

The wonder tree grows on arid to marginal land and therefore requires few agrochemicals. Since it has been cultivated for centuries in the same areas, environmentally friendly cultivation has become established. The castor bean itself, which is the fruit of the wonder tree is toxic, so our floss does not compete with the food chain.

The photosynthesis of the wonder tree

The photosynthesis Like all plants, the wonder tree "breathes" CO2 from the atmosphere. In the process, it converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen. This forms the ozone layer around our earth. This means that our dental floss thus absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, while the extraction of petroleum for conventional plastic only ads CO2.

From seed to oil

After the harvest the castor seeds are pressed into castor oil, a pale yellow nondrying oil. The physical properties of castor oil are unique regarding their viscosity, density, thermal conductivity, and pour point. This makes it extraordinary well suited to be used in the synthesis of renewable monomers and polymers like Polyamid.

Extraction of ricinoleic acid

The main component of castor oil is the ricinoleic acid, which occurs up to 92% in the form of triglycerides. The ricinoleic acid is obtained from the castor oil by a splitting reaction with water (hydrolysis). Ricinoleic acid is the only natural fatty acid commercially available in larger quantities that carries a hydroxyl group.

Further processing to PA 10.10

From the methyl ester of ricinoleic acid, produced by reacting methanol with castor oil, methyl 10-undecenoic acid ester and heptanal can be obtained by thermal decomposition. The undecenoic acid ester is converted in several stages to 11-amino-n-undecanoic acid, the raw material for the production of our plant-based polyamide.

Shipping and further processing

The bioplastics granulate is transported by ship to the ports nearest to the following destination. In order to compensate for the resulting CO2 emissions, we support Plant-for-the-Planet with their afforestation project. Once the granulate arrives at the port, it is transported by trucks to our production partners.

Yarn production

In the last step, the PA granulate is melted and pushed through a die which creates extremely long filament. To increase it's stability, several of these long filaments are twisted together to form a multi filament. This increases the stability of the yarn and makes the Tiofloss extremely tear-proof.

Dental finishing

Our floss is enriched with coconut oil, which works against caries in a natural way based on its composition and soothes the gums at the same time. To put a fresh feeling around every tooth and also supply a fresh breath, the Tiofloss is coated with natural mint. Vegetable wax coating allows them to glide smoothly through the interdental spaces.

Production and packaging

In the last step, the bio-polyethylene granulate is finally formed by injection moulding into the respective products, like the brush heads, travel caps or dental floss spools. The finished product is then packed into cartons made of FSC®-certified cardboard and transported to our warehouse in Hamburg.

Our Philosophy: Less is better

Before we at TIO produce, or design anything at all, we will always ask ourselves if said object is really necessary and make sure that it fits our idea of reduced consumption.

Create only essential products

We develop those products that everyone needs and do not create new and additional needs.


Reduce material usage

Every TIO product is based on a sound analysis of material reduction in terms of design and packaging.


Ensure recyclability

Whether it’s parts of the TIO products or newly developed packaging concepts – as much as possible should be reusable as part of the existing and future recycling systems.


Minimize transport routes

We try to cooperate with the best, nearby partners and avoid unnecessarily long transport routes as well as offering climate-neutral shipping.

Frequent Questions on Sustainability

The manufacturing of environmentally friendly products is quite complex and anyone who looks into it naturally has questions that we are happy to answer.

Do TIO materials rival food production?

According to a WWF study, about one third of the world’s food is lost every year on its way from the field to the plate. In figures, this means approximately 1.3 billion tons per year. The annual production of bioplastics currently amounts to approximately 2.5 million tonnes, which represents 0.2% of food waste. Unfortunately, we are facing a global distribution problem here. So less bioplastics does not mean less hunger. We do not therefore see direct competition with food, but rather a distribution problem. Even if this distribution problem is solved, we are certain that the ecological advantage of bioplastics in the ecosystem is worth the land under cultivation. If one tenth of the area under cultivation for these foods were to be separated off and used for the cultivation of raw materials for biobased plastics, all petroleum-based plastics needed worldwide could be replaced.

What about disposal?

Unfortunately, bioplastics are not yet accepted in Germany’s industrial composting system, although they are partially biodegradable. Detailed information on the disposal of the individual components of our products can be found on the respective product pages.

What is the CO₂ footprint of your products?

In the future we are still in the process of having complete LCA’s (Life Cycle Analyses) carried out on our products. A complete analysis for each product is very complex due to many intermediate steps. Therefore, we have had these analyses carried out only by the materials we use for the time being.

Sugarcane: The bio-based PE polymer resin leads to an average removal of CO2 from the atmosphere of -2.15 kg CO2/kg. Compared to petrochemical PE, which has a GWP100 effect of +1.83 kg CO2kg PE, the GWP100 net advantage of the bio-based HDPE (slurry) is -3.98 kg CO2/kg bio-based PE in the base case.

BioNylon (bristles and dental floss): has a value of 4.0 kg CO2/kg compared to > 9 CO2/kg PA 6

This means that the material we use alone saves us a significant amount of CO2. Through our cooperation with the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation, we support their reforestation projects and thus remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which is released by production and transport routes. In addition, minimal packaging and maximum reusability help to conserve resources and save CO2.

What is the global warming potential?

The global warming potential is a measure of the comparability of different greenhouse gases. Since one of the major causes of climate change is the CO2 emissions during energy conversion, a CO2 equivalent is given for gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and various refrigerants. This figure thus indicates the extent to which a mass of this gas, compared to the same mass of CO2, contributes to global warming.